“I had no idea history was being made. I was just tired of giving up.”

Rosa Parks

Wayee was born in Queens, New York and raised in Connecticut by Chinese parents who immigrated to the US for the sole purpose of getting an education; this upbringing no doubt influenced and shaped her understanding of the importance of education and ultimately led to a career path and commitment in bringing greater access and opportunity to all learners. Wayee’s first experience with entrepreneurs was when she moved to California in 2005 to work at NewSchools Venture Fund, alongside her colleagues Jennifer Carolan and Shauntel Garvey. Her foundational experience supporting some of the most inspiring and innovative education entrepreneurs led her to join the team at Reach Capital where she continues her passion in supporting early stage founders who are building companies that look to transform the way we learn and live.

Why Education?

My public school experience in the suburbs of Connecticut made a huge impact on my life and there is no doubt that my zip code was an indicator of my own educational and career opportunities and outcomes. My work at Reach Capital is driven by the idea that one’s zip code should not determine one’s learning trajectory. And while there are many approaches in which we can improve education in this country, I fundamentally believe that entrepreneurship is one of the most impactful and important agents of change.

Little Known Facts

  • Failed at piano and never looked back
  • Loves vizslas (all dogs, but particularly vizslas)
  • Fanatical about Contemporary art
  • An only child (but you would never know it ;-)


  • Campus
  • Clayful
  • Swing Education
  • Yay Lunch